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Book a dance studio online here!

63067 Offenbach-Kaiserlei – near Frankfurt/Main

TANZSAAL MIETEN – Klick hier für deutsche Version

You can rent our dance rooms by the hour or day for lessons and training: affordable prices, fair conditions, central and easily accessible! Conveniently located between Offenbach and Frankfurt. Plenty of parking spaces, only 750m to the S-Bahn.

Location: OF-Dance Academy, Goethering 54, D-63067 Offenbach

  • Large, bright rooms
  • 2 sides mirror wall
  • Music system with Bluetooth

Rental dance studio

Big dance hall

Großer Tanzsaal
Big dance hall 110qm (1180 squarefeet)

PRICES from 01.06.24:
9.30-12.00 Uhr – 30€/h
12.00-17.30 Uhr – 35€/h
17.30-22 Uhr – 40€/h
9.30-22.00 – 40€/h

  • 110 sqm (14x7m)
  • 12m mirror wall on 2 sides
  • Music system with connection for laptop / phone / Bluetooth
  • 4 ballet bars, yoga mats

Small dance hall

Kleiner Tanzsaal
Small dance hall 63qm (678 squarefeet)

PRICES from 01.06.24:
9.30-12.00 Uhr – 25€/h
12.00-17.30 Uhr – 28€/h
17.30-22 Uhr – 30€/h
9.30-22.00 – 30€/h

  • 63 sqm (9x7m)
  • 9m mirror wall on 2 sides
  • Fully equipped for online lessons via Zoom.
  • Music system with connection for laptop / phone / Bluetooth
  • Yoga mats, blocks & straps


The rental prices include VAT, additional costs and cleaning as well as use of the lounge area and changing room 20 minutes before and after class.

A discount of 10% is granted for sales of €300 or more.

Our occupancy calendar shows you when rooms are still available.


  • Cancellations up to 4 weeks in advance are free of charge.
  • Up to 3 weeks in advance 50% of the agreed rental price.
  • Up to 2 weeks in advance 75% of the agreed rental price.
  • In the event of later cancellations, the entire rental price is payable.
  • Cancellations are by email

Online reservation – rent a dance studio

Before making your online reservation, please check available dates in the occupancy calendar:

    I would like to book the following dance hall:

    Your data:

    Cancellations up to 4 weeks in advance are free of charge.
    Up to 3 weeks in advance 50% of the agreed rental price.
    Up to 2 weeks in advance 75% of the agreed rental price.
    In the event of later cancellations, the entire rental price is payable.
    Cancellations must be communicated in writing or electronically (email).

    Pleas note:

    • Before making your online reservation, please check available dates in the OCCUPANCY CALENDAR
    • The minimum rental period is 1 hour, for the first booking at least 1.5 hours
    • Payment is made in cash or in advance via PayPal or bank transfer
    • No rental for parties and celebrations
    • As a dance studio with music, our studio is only partially suitable for very quiet forms of movement such as yoga and meditation
    • Only dance shoes are allowed in the studio. Street shoes must be removed at the entrance.
    Großer Tanzsaal
    Big dance hall 110qm
    Großer Tanzsaal
    Big dance hall 110qm

    Large hall Mon-Fri 35 €/h
    Sat/Sun/holidays 40 €/h

    Kleiner Tanzsaal
    Small dance hall 63 qm
    Kleiner Tanzsaal
    Small dance hall 63qm

    Small hall Mon-Fri 25 €/h
    Sat/Sun/holidays 30 €/h

    Studio address:
    OF Dance Academy, Goethering 54, D-63067 Offenbach

    Großer Tanzsaal
    Großer Tanzsaal
    Großer Tanzsaal
    Kleiner Tanzsaal
    Kleiner Tanzsaal
    Kleiner Tanzsaal
    Großer Tanzsaal
    Großer Tanzsaal
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    Flächenaufteilung Tanzsäale


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    © 2025 OF-Dance Academy / Djamila Kotsch. Design: Raphael Bolius